Saturday, August 18, 2012

Four Bars

Yea, that's my husband. Yea, he's handsome.  I love him in his uniform - these are the "Charlie's".
He has enough ribbons now to make four bars, which is a pretty big deal for his years in service and rank. He had a uniform inspection today so I was able to take some current photos in uniform. Hopefully, professional photos one day!

Love that half smile...

Look at all those stars… (whistles)


  1. Matt's letting his hair grow. You didn't say what the ribbons are for. Love Dad

    1. Yea, he doesn't cut it short anymore :). Well the ribbons that he has are (from top to bottom - left to right):

      TOP ROW: NAM (navy & marine corps achievement medal ribbon) with two gold stars,
      2ND ROW: navy unit commendation ribbon, marine corps good conduct medal ribbon with one gold star, national defense service medal ribbon.
      3RD ROW: afghanistan campaign ribbon with one gold star, iraq campaign medal ribbon with one gold star, global war on terrorism expeditionary medal ribbon
      4TH ROW: navy sea service deployment ribbon, global war on terrorism service medal ribbon, NATO ISAF (international security assistance force) medal ribbon)
