Give a little love away… yea-yea-ahhh.
(Long, detailed post)
Oh, I gave a lot of love away, to Ellen Degeneres that is!! Yes, you're reading that correctly. I, Bridget, saw my one obsession, Ellen Degeneres yesterday. It was on
our list, but my main bucket list of all time too. I have always wanted to see her when I use to live on the East Coast. I watch her show every. single. day. I swear to you, I never miss an episode. So, when we moved out to the West Coast, I just knew that I had to see her before we moved because as much as I do love her, I doubt I would have flown all the way across country
(about a $500 plane ticket) just to go to a free taping of hers unless I already had some travel plans in the surrounding area. Okay, well maybe I would, I don't know.. but I don't have to worry about that anymore. So, enough of this talk, huh? You're probably wanting me to get to the good details and behind the scenes? Alright.. so lets go.
As you know, Matt is deployed and although I would have absolutely loved to
drag him to go with me go with me, because who wouldn't want to share that awesomeness with the person you love? It was just impossible and I wasn't sure when or if we would be able to go whenever he got back due to use possibly moving again or whatever the case is. So, I asked one of my best friends out here, Sarah if she would be willing to tag-along with me. She's not really a huge fan and she only really got into Ellen because of when she would watch some episodes with me, but that is okay, I knew it would still be a lot of fun!
Well, I had put in a request for tickets, thinking that I wasn't going to get them or if I did, it would be stand-by tickets.
(Stand-by ticket holders are not guaranteed a spot in the show, they may just be sitting in the riff raff room.) But, about 3 days after I had requested the tickets, I got a phone call from one of her workers at The Ellen Show telling me I have guaranteed tickets for the Wednesday, May 16, 2012 taping at 4:00 PM. Thrilled. It was such an awesome call. So glad I answer random phone numbers. This phone call was back in March.
Since March, I have been anxiously waiting…. okay, I might have had a countdown ticker on my phone, but that's beside the point. Haha. Well, about 2 weeks out from the date of taping, I received a letter in the mail for the confirmation of my tickets and some FAQ's, as well as, rules and guidelines to be followed.
The dress code on the paper was quite confusing and some-what strict which I didn't quite get. Tuesday finally came around and I was deciding for hours what would be my outfit. I wasn't sure what to wear because of the paper I got in the mail. I wanted to wear these cute flip-flops that went with my outfit, but on the list it said no flip-flops. So, I ended up wearing some sandals with short heels, which is fine - shoes aren't shown that much anyhow.
(but I'll explain why it annoyed me in a little bit)
Yesterday finally came! I got up early, showered, got dressed and ready. I went to pick up my friend from her house and then we drove up to Burbank
(a 2 hour drive from where I live). Once we finally got there, we parked in the WB Gate 3 lot. We "checked in" and then had the rest of the couple hours until we had to officially check in at 2:00 PM.
So, we took a quick walk to get something to eat since we only saw maybe 15 people there. We weren't even gone 1 hour and came back to at least 100. It was insane. So, at that moment we felt like we might not get good seats. AND on top of this, so many women had flip flops on. I knew I should have brought mine in the car, but that's okay. It is what it is.
During that time, we had to just sit and wait in the garage area. There were T.V.'s on the walls so we could watch the show that aired for that day. Then, the team members started to talk to us and let us know of the security issues and give us some advice and tips on what to do and how things will operate. We were also told that the numbers we received upon checking in will not mean anything because they sit people due to how many people are in the party and where they will fit, etc. So, once they announced to line up to get checked in, all the people swarmed in line and we had ended up with numbers 130 and 131.
We just hoped that the numbers really didn't mean much. Once we checked in, then they brought us across the street in groups to go through security and then to go into Ellen's Shop/ Riff Raff room. We waited there for about 10 minutes and then we were brought onto the set.
This is where I nearly peed my pants, cried, and died all at the same time. My heart was racing and I just felt so happy to be there. I have wanted to go for years!! Well, there was quite a few staff members there sitting people and when we entered, the lady started to sit us up at the top of the rows and I was kind of bummed at first, but we ended up getting the 2nd row from the top on the right hand side. She first told my friend to go into the 2nd seat and me to get the isle!!! I was beyond thrilled. I can't tell you how much I prayed to get an isle seat. I knew that Ellen came all the way up to where I was sitting too. So that made me happy to know that.
Numbers really don't mean anything. I would say it's partly appearance and the way you dress and present yourself because that is a good part of representing her show too. So I saw about 3 people or so that had to be switched from the outside isle seats to maybe the 2nd or 3rd seat in, or even this one lady got moved from an isle seat across from me to 2 rows back in the corner. So, I guess it really depends!
While we wait for Ellen, there was music playing, and there is a staff member who tries to get you motivated and cheering, just to practice for when the show is airing. Then there was some dancing by people and also singing. Well, the staff member was going around with the mic to people to try to get them to sing, some would - some wouldn't. He then came down our side and guess who he handed the mic to? Yep, me! Lol. So, I sing part of the song "Moves Like Jagger". Oh boy, I know the song but I think I forgot some of the words from how excited and nervous I was! but it was so great.
Then… Ellen showed up. I seriously never screamed that loud in my life. I was so excited to be in the same room with her. She is so beautiful. Her eyes.. my goodness they are just as blue from all the way up to where I was sitting as they are on T.V. It's insane!
Russell Brand and Sophie Grace and Rosie were on the show.
(Which they are soooo cute, maybe even cuter in person than T.V!) With a special entertainment of 'Step Up Revolution' dancers from the movie coming out soon.
No games, no sneak peek of movies. But, I did get a $100 JcPenny gift card! We missed the 1500th show by 1, ONE day! But that's fine.. I had a great time and who knows if I would have gotten an isle seat.
After the show, she changed and came back out to the stage and personally thanked us for coming out and showing her love. I thought that was really nice of her. Then we were able to exit and that's when I bought a few items in the Ellen shop. Even though I could get it online, it just seemed like a must to buy something there… and of course, Ellen water!
Okay.. so behind the scenes:
- Ellen rarely does look out to talk to the audience, she is usually just looking at the cameras (there are about 4-5 on her at all times)
- There is a staff member who is telling us when to clap, stand up, sit down, and be quiet.
- There are commercial breaks, where Ellen talks to her staff members, gets her make up and hair fixed, something to drink, reviews notes. During the commercial breaks, the staff member encourages us to dance because music is being played. These breaks are only 2-3 minutes long.
- The clapping and cheering and laughing is some-what exaggerated because of how often and long it's encouraged. So sometimes it feels like you're acting
- The noise in the studio is just so loud. It's really amplified with all the speakers. I think this is done so the quality picks up okay when it's finally on T.V.
- You never knew when the camera is on you because they only show Ellen talking on all the T.V.'s

Thank you for letting me share my experience on here with anyone who reads this. I cannot wait to go to other tapings of shows before we move from California if we are given any opportunities to do so.