Friday, March 16, 2012


Four months down in this deployment was just a few days ago!! I am so excited that we are now more than half way finished with this deployment. I cannot wait until we are together again. Being in school, working over full time, appointments, gym, and care packages keep me busy and help make the time go by quicker.

Matt was able to call me too! I am so happy we got to talk. He is doing good and ready for this deployment to be over as well. We both are trying to make the best out of the situation though. It's really amazing what a phone call can do. Definitely put me on cloud 9 and hearing his voice is possibly the best sound.
We are still waiting for him to get a package I sent out a month ago.. but in the meantime, he got another package I sent out. I am hoping that he receives the other package though and that it's not stolen or lost!!

I am training for a half-marathon right now. I have ran 5k, 10k, and now I figured to boost it up and go for a half-marathon. It is on May 6th and the best part??? It's in the ZOO!!! I seriously love zoo's and I think it would be so fun to run throughout it. I am not signed up yet, because I have until the end of April, so I figured I would train all the way up to then and see if I will be able to complete it in 3 hours.

Anyways, I have not been up to too much other than what I mentioned in the first paragraph, but here's some Iphone photos:
gym time.

 Tebowing.. really?

I decided to read 24 books for this year, this makes book #4

My awesome new shoes!

Fruit salad

Hot Cocoa

Letter #100


  1. Glad to see you're taking good care of yourself and feeling good about yourself. Remember, you should be your #1 cheerleader. Break those new running shoes in slowly, you don't want to get swore feet or shin splints. Love Dad.

  2. I bought these shoes just for work. They aren't great for running long distance. They are more for just walking or everyday use.. I mean, I could run maybe max 3 miles in them, but I am not going to.
